TONE MADISON: Percussion trio Tigue blend experimental percussion with complex composition Guest UserJune 1, 2018strange paradise, TIGUE, tigue
CLEVELAND CLASSICAL: Tigue to return to Ohio as they tour Strange Paradise Guest UserMay 30, 2018strange paradise, tigue, TIGUE
5049 RECORDS: Episode 162, Robbie Lee Guest UserMay 28, 2018seed triangular, robbie lee, mary halvorson
NOW AVAILABLE: The Hands Free debut album Guest UserMay 25, 2018the hands free, Caroline Shaw, caroline shaw, james moore, eleanor oppenheim, nathan koci
NEWS AT IUPUI: Technology faculty member releases new album of unique works Guest UserMay 15, 2018jordan munson, until my last
SECOND INVERSION: STAFF PICKS: Friday Faves Guest UserMay 11, 2018William Brittelle, william brittelle, mohair time warp
PRESS RELEASE: NOW AVAILABLE: Jordan Munson's "Until My Last" Guest UserMay 11, 2018jordan munson, until my last
FREE TIMES: Concerts in Columbia Guest UserMay 9, 2018subtle degrees, a dance that empties, Travis Laplante, travis laplante
ALL ABOUT JAZZ: Amir ElSaffar Rivers Of Sound: Rivers Of Sound Guest UserMay 7, 2018amir elsaffar, not two
ROCHESTER CITY NEWSPAPER: Album review: ‘All Can Work’ Guest UserMay 3, 2018all can work, john hollenbeck large ensemble, john hollenbeck
ROCHESTER CITY NEWSPAPER: Album review: 'Strange Paradise' Guest UserMay 3, 2018TIGUE, tigue, strange paradise
PRESS RELEASE: Ten Years Together: New Amsterdam Records and (Le) Poisson Rouge Turn 10 (June 10-11) Guest UserMay 1, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO CLASSICAL VOICE: Angel's Bone Leads Adventurous Recordings From Brooklyn's National Sawdust Guest UserApril 28, 2018subtle degrees, a dance that empties, Travis Laplante, travis laplante