BIRD IS THE WORM: Best of 2018 #15: John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble – “All Can Work”

BIRD IS THE WORM: Best of 2018 #15: John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble – “All Can Work”

“A manifestation of John Hollenbeck‘s lyrical perspective inevitably takes on a curious form.  The most obvious example is on full display with Claudia Quintet, an outfit that established a form of modern jazz expressionism and a tangential post-jazz escape route that has served as a guiding light for other birds-of-a-feather musicians.  But this perspective also reveals itself in other Hollenbeck projects, like his rearrangements of classic songs for jazz orchestra or his 2018 large ensemble project that pays tribute to collaborators and teachers.  When a musician is dedicated to finding a personal voice and channeling it through a singular vision, the immaculate music of All Can Work is what happens.”