10 Years - 100+ Albums - 100% Profits to Artists -- Help Us Continue
Support NewAm
In 10 years, New Amsterdam has championed
150+ boundary-breaking music artists
whose work may have otherwise been unsupported.
NewAm has brought their visionary and unique projects to life through
100+ albums, 250+ live events and supported
500+ tour performances.
We believe in empowering artists to build sustainable careers,
first and foremost by giving artists 100% of the proceeds
from their album sales and 100% of master ownership.
Your pledge allows New Amsterdam to continue giving
100% of profits to artists, bringing their visionary and unique projects to life and empowering them to build sustainable careers.
In 2019, NewAm will continue to create innovative ways to support its unique and visionary artists in four key areas:
1) Composers Lab
Composers Lab, NewAm’s education outreach program, has reached 40+ students from seven different countries and much of the United States in two years
The Lab is designed to take place fully online and is heavily underwritten so that composers and performers from all backgrounds can participate
In 2019, NewAm would like to expand its educational offerings to offer low/no cost tutelage on a wide array of topical subjects while building and fostering an international support network for emerging forward-thinking composers
2) Windmill Series
In 2018, NewAm launched The Windmill Series, a new digital-only set of releases in addition to its standard physical releases
This series will enable NewAm to DOUBLE its number of releases for 2019, in a time when many other labels are scaling back or closing altogether
As part of this venture, NewAm has also increased the resources it provides to artists, creating an in-house network of graphic designers, duplication companies, mixing engineers, and producers, all working at an exclusive 20% discount
3) Podcast
Over the last several years there has been a decrease in arts coverage by the media, which means there have been less opportunities for artists to share their stories and projects with the public
In 2019, NewAm plans to create a podcast series in which artists can talk in-depth about the stories behind their groundbreaking projects, giving more people the opportunity to learn about music that is moving and meaningful
4) Partnerships
In 2019, NewAm plans to expand the artists and community it serves by partnering with like-minded organizations around the world
This includes collaborations through presenting opportunities, securing subsidies to help students attend live performances at low or no cost, exploring additional educational opportunities, investigating ways to reduce current artist admin fees, and more
Donations of $25 or more will be recognized on NewAm's website
- $25 helps NewAm continue to give all album sale proceeds to artists
- $50 helps NewAm provide two subsidized Composers Lab sessions
- $200 helps NewAm provide an entire subsidized Composers Lab
course to one student
- $500 helps NewAm create one podcast episode
NewAm also has many high-impact funding opportunities,
such as funding Composers Lab scholarships, starting at $300.
To learn more, please contact press@newamrecords.com.