NATIONAL SAWDUST LOG: Early Audition: John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble, All Can Work

NATIONAL SAWDUST LOG: Early Audition: John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble, All Can Work


"Drummer, composer, and bandleader John Hollenbeck might be best known for his crafty, original work with nimble small groups like the Claudia Quintet and Quartet Lucy, but when he goes big, the results are memorable—he’s a deft hand at writing for big bands and orchestras. Hollenbeck has convened his Large Ensemble twice before on record, issuing two discs worth savoring: A Blessing, released in 2005 on the OmniTone label, and eternal interlude, its 2009 sequel, on Sunnyside.

On January 26, Hollenbeck and his crew will release their third LP, All Can Work, on New Amsterdam Records. The album pays tribute to Large Ensemble member Laurie Frink, a versatile and well-loved New York City trumpeter and teacher who died in 2013 at the age of 61. The album title comes from an email exchange between Hollenbeck and Frink, and reflects 'the flexible, optimistic resolve that is needed by everyone involved to create a record such as this one.'"